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最近,互联网上最大的事可能是Amazon的AWS宕机了,而且好几天都没有完全恢复。整个Internet都在讨论这个事,Internet很不高兴,后果可能很严重。可能是因为这个事件对中国没有影响,所以中文这边相关的文章不多,大家可以参考一下和讯网的这篇《伤不起!亚马逊史前最大宕机事件的启示》。 国外有人把所有和这个事件相关的贴子都收集了起来,都是一些相当不错的贴子和文章,尤其是一些经验教训的贴子,很受教,转给大家看看。这个贴子的来源在这里。 个别公司的经历,有好有坏 How Heroku Survived the Amazon Outage on the Heroku status page How SimpleGeo Stayed Up During the AWS Downtime by Mike Malone How SmugMug survived the Amazonpocalypse by Don MacAskill  (Hacker News discussion) How Bizo survived the Great AWS Outage of 2011 relatively unscathed… by Someone at Bizo Joe Stump’s explanation of how SimpleGeo survived How Netflix Survived the Outage Why Twilio Wasn’t Affected by Today’s AWS Issues on Twilio Engineering’s Blog (Hacker News thread) On reddit’s outage What caused the Quora problems/outage in April 2011? Recovering from Amazon cloud outage by Drew Engelson of PBS. PBS was affected for a while primarily because we do use EBS-backed RDS databases. Despite being spread across multiple availability-zones, we
来源: 关于Amazon云宕机的网贴收集 | | 酷 壳 – CoolShell
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